An old woman walks into a tattoo shop

An old woman walks into a tattoo shop

An elderly woman walks into a tattoo parlor and confidently declares to the tattoo artist, “I want to get a tattoo.”

The tattoo artist, somewhat surprised by her request, cautiously asks, “Sure, ma’am. Where would you like this tattoo?”

The old lady, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, responds, “Actually, I want it on my inner thigh.”

The tattoo artist, taken aback by her unexpected choice of location, stammers, “Uh, well, ma’am, are you sure about that? It’s quite an intimate area.”

With a grin, the old woman replies, “Yes, dear. But don’t worry, it’s not for anyone else to see. It’s just to give my grandchildren a reason to visit more often.

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An old woman walks into a tattoo shop


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