A young boy was kissed by a girl he really liked

A young boy was kissed by a girl he really liked

A young boy finally gets the chance to kiss the girl he’s been crushing on for a while. As their lips meet, he feels a rush of excitement. However, after just a few seconds, he abruptly pulls away.

“I’m so sorry, but I can’t continue!” he blurts out.

Confused, the girl asks, “Why not? Didn’t you like it?”

The boy sheepishly replies, “Oh, I liked it very much! But my mom says I have to be home by 9, and it’s already 8:59!”

The punchline humorously reveals that the boy’s innocence and strict curfew dictate his actions, even in the midst of a romantic moment.

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A young boy was kissed by a girl he really liked


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