Anthony santi video full
The video showed Santi and the man battling about a thing, which was a gun with a lengthy magazine. A female traveler left the vehicle and keeping in mind that Santi had the man in a wrestling hold, the traveler got the weapon and pointed it Santi. She purportedly discharged a shot that seemed to hit Santi toward the back, as per court reports.
Anthony santi twitter video
Santi, who was off the clock and conveying oddities, mediated and furthermore told the man leave. The man "hopped away" from Santi and afterward started compromising him. The unsettling influence spilled outside where the man is seen on reconnaissance video venturing into a white suv and taking out a thing.
Anthony santi reason for death
Memorial service administrations set for KC fireman killed during battle at Freedom corner store Burial service administrations will be held for the current week for a 41-year-old Kansas City fireman who was lethally shot during a battle outside an Autonomy service station, as indicated by his eulogy.
anthony santi made sense of
The lethal shooting happened around 2:30 p.m. Thursday outside the Street Star general store at 11100 E. U.S. 40 thruway in Autonomy. A client needing to purchase stogies had become oppressive to a representative when she let him know that they didn't have the sort of stogies he needed. She declined him administration and advised him to leave, as indicated by court reports. Observe full video👇👇